
Code Snippets AI

一个VSCode扩展,利用 GPT-4 的强大功能,与您的团队合作构建安全的代码片段库。


一个 VSCode 扩展,它使用 ChatGP T和一个微调的 GPT3 代码模型来记录、重构、解释、调试和生成代码。在线代码片段库可用于存储重要的代码片段,以供学习如何编写代码的开发人员使用,或者供希望共享重要且相关的特定于代码库的代码片段的团队使用。你可以直接从 VSCode 扩展中存储和获取代码片段到你的团队库中。

Code smarter than ever.

Leverage the power of a codebase aware assistant, helping you write clean, performance optimized code.

  • Create documentation, refactor, debug and generate code with full codebase context.
  • Spend more time creating code, and less time debugging errors.

Keep the conversation


Use multiple AI models within the same chat.

  • Use ChatGPT, GPT-4, Mixtral 7B Instruct, PaLM 2, Capybara 7B & more.
  • Open-Source models are powered by OpenRouter. Simply insert your API key to get started.

Codebase powered chats.

Select any folder on your machine to power-up your chats with your codebase.

  • Changed files are automatically added into your codebase context.
  • Ask questions about your code using embeddings with CMD/CTRL + Enter.
  • Reference complete files in your codebase easily with @fileName.

Save snippets from anywhere.

Your Desktop, IDE & Browser can save code into your team’s snippets library.

  • Save code snippets from any website, directly into your team’s snippets library.
  • Titles and code descriptions are generated by AI when saving. Helping you to organize your snippets efficiently.

Available on multiple platforms.

Our codebase features work best in our Desktop apps. More IDEs will be supported soon.

  • Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, VSCode & Chrome.
  • Our desktop apps are free, bring your own keys.
Code Snippets AI

Built for you.


Gain a deeper understanding of your code to further your knowledge.


Securely share code snippets with your team, without losing formatting.

Check out our features and join thousands of developers.

1. Generate code

Generate functions or whole snippets with AI, super helpful for boilerplate or repetitive tasks.

2. Share with your team

Save your code snippets for easy access and collaboration with your team.

3. Refactor & debug

Identify performance bottlenecks in your code, and AI will suggest ways to optimize it.

4. Analyse code

Generate detailed documentation in just a few clicks.

5. Find & fix errors

Reduce frustration and increase efficiency with the power of AI.

6. Secure & private

Keep your code safe in your snippets library, with end-to-end encryption.





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关于Code Snippets AI特别声明

本站AIHunt | 几百个AI工具导航,国内外AI工具导航大全提供的Code Snippets AI都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由AIHunt | 几百个AI工具导航,国内外AI工具导航大全实际控制,在2023-04-21 15:16收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,AIHunt | 几百个AI工具导航,国内外AI工具导航大全不承担任何责任。


